What You Need to Know About Carbon Monoxide

What You Need To Know About Carbon Monoxide

Known as the “silent killer,” Carbon Monoxide is one of the most prevalent causes of death due to poisoning in America. Without a smell, color, or taste, Carbon Monoxide is dangerous in contained areas, such as your home or garage. To protect your household, there are several things you need to know about Carbon Monoxide. Take a look at the insight below.

What Is Carbon Monoxide?

Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless and tasteless poison gas that can be fatal when inhaled. CO can be produced when burning fuels such as gasoline, propane, and it inhibits the blood’s capacity to carry oxygen.

Does Carbon Monoxide Affect Everyone?

While some diseases impact some people more than others, Carbon Monoxide doesn’t discriminate. If you inhale too much of it, CO can be fatal to any person at any age.

Does Electricity Produce Carbon Monoxide?

No. Carbon Monoxide gas is a product of combustion, so unless something is burned, carbon monoxide will not be produced.

What Makes Carbon Monoxide?

Anything that burns will create Carbon Monoxide, as it is a product of incomplete combustion. It is NOT just your appliances that create CO. Here are some other things that produce CO when turned on:

  • Cars, trucks, boats
  • Pressure washers
  • Gas or oil-bearing furnaces
  • Non-electric space heaters
  • Tools
  • Lawnmowers

How Do You Prevent Poisoning?

  • Always vent gas appliances properly
  • Check your chimney to ensure proper ventilation
  • Never burn gas grills or charcoal inside your home
  • Don’t use your gass stove/oven for heating
  • Don’t leave the car running with the garage door closed


What Are Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Symptoms?

Similar to the flu, but without a fever, CO poisoning can include dizziness, headaches, nausea, sleepiness, fatigue and disorientation. If any of these symptoms are experienced, it is imperative to seek medical assistance immediately.

How Can You Protect Your Household?

The best way to protect your household is with a Carbon Monoxide detector. Given its importance, it is best for a professional to install your detectors. At Bosworth, our team of expert technicians would be happy to make sure the job is done right. Contact us to find out about our current carbon monoxide detector special – get yours today for just $85!

How Choose to an HVAC System

How To Choose An HVAC System

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To choose an HVAC system in Kerrville Texas, it seems like you have to be a professional. There are so many terms, ratings and features…how is the average person supposed to know which system to choose? Don’t worry, we’re here to help! Let us tell you more about how to choose an HVAC system.


As a rule of thumb, air conditioners with a 15,000 BTU rating should be able to cool rooms up to approximately 875 sq. ft. HVAC systems are sized according to their cooling capacity (which are expressed in BTU per hour), so your first consideration is to match the air conditioner to the room you want to cool. If the unit is too large, it will cool the space so quickly that the thermostat will shut the unit down without lowering the humidity level. If the unit is too small, it will overwork, but won’t cool the space.

Cooling Capacity

Cooling capacity is dependent upon square footage, windows, sun exposure, insulation, room use, etc. You can use a simple air conditioning calculator available from The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers to determine the cooling capacity of your space. Most units you’ll see in stores compare the square footage of the room to BTU capacity.


Control options are important when shopping for an air conditioner. Look for multi speed fans and adjustable thermostats. Both of these will help you achieve maximum comfort and switch to lower settings for a quieter operation. More precise control is offered by digital controls, with features such as preset scheduling and timers to control certain temperatures at certain times. This feature can ultimately save you money and your unit efficiency!


During the peak cooling season, your AC filter should be replaced every 3-4 weeks. For this reason, you should check the AC units you’re shopping for to see how easy (or hard) it is to replace the filter. If it is hard for you to reach or replace, the less likely you are to do it. Try to find one that simply slides up and down without any screws or other fasteners.


Last, but certainly not least, consider efficiency. Manufacturers are required to list the energy rating directly on the unit, making an easy determination of energy efficiency. The EER, or Energy Efficiency Ratio, is the cooling capacity divided by the electrical power required to run the unit. The higher the number, the better. Any unit with an EER above 10 is extremely efficient. Of course, with a higher EER also comes a higher price tag. Keep an eye out for the Energy Star logo. Energy Star products are certified to be 15% more efficient than those meeting the minimum federal requirements.

Save $1600

As Dave Lennox Premier Dealers, we have access to the best Lennox promotions available, and are able to offer our customers significant savings on a qualifying system. Currently, you can save up to $1600 on a Lennox system from now until November 17, 2017. Learn more here or contact us today!


Piggy Bank

6 Ways To Cut Cooling Costs

It may just be spring, but West Texas is already feeling the heat! You may be wondering how you can cut cooling costs and save money this season. Follow these steps (and build the habits) to cut cooling costs once and for all.

  1. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, you could boost your AC’s efficiency by up to 10% by planting trees or shrubs that will shade your outdoor air conditioner unit.
  2. When you aren’t at home or when everyone is asleep at night, increase the temperature of your air conditioner’s thermostat more than you would when everyone is at home. Keeping your home at a comfortable 78 degrees and increasing it at night (and when you’re away) can save 5-15% on your air conditioner bills, according to the Department of Energy.
  3. Don’t forget to regularly replace your AC filter. Keeping your air filter clean allows for good air movement through your home.
  4. Avoid using the oven and stovetop during the day (the best time to use them is at night). The heat from these appliances increases the heat in your home. During and after cooking, be sure to turn on the exhaust fans. The same rule goes for taking a hot shower. To decrease the heat put off from the shower, turn on your bathroom fan.
  5. According to the Department of Energy, if you replace your old air conditioner with a new unit, you can cut your cooling costs by up to half (depending on the age of your old unit). When shopping, look for a high-energy-efficiency ratio or EER (or Energy Star). A higher ratio means higher efficiency. Have a look at The Ultimate Comfort System by Lennox here.
  6. Set your AC fan on “high,” except for humid days, where your fan should be set on “low.”

Hopefully, those ways will help to cut cooling costs during these hot spring and summer seasons! If you’re in the market for a new air conditioning system, now is the time to buy! In fact, you can save up to $1700! Learn more about our current promotion here.

Lennox Premier Dealer Banner: Up to $1,600 in Savings and 2 Years of $0 Interest

Lennox 2016 Winter Promotion

If you’re in the market for a new HVAC system, you’re in luck! Our Lennox 2016 Winter Promotion begins Monday, January 18th and ends Friday, February 12th. Let us tell you about these incredible winter savings!

“Up To $1600 In Rebates!”

As a homeowner, you can get up to $1300 in rebates on an Ultimate Comfort System™, plus an additional $100 rebate on an iHarmony Zoning System, $100 on iComfortS30, and $100 on PureAir for a total of up to $1600 in rebates! Additionally, there is 0% interest for 2 years!

The Ultimate Comfort System™

The Ultimate Comfort System™ creates an environment of perfectly heated and cooled air with conventional technology and precise comfort. Single capacity and single speed mean airflow is all the way on or all the way off, creating temperature swings between cycles. Variable speed airflow, combined with variable capacity heating and cooling, keeps the temperature held exactly where you want it.

The Ultimate Comfort System™ delivers unprecedented energy efficiency, even in extremely hot and cold weather.

iHarmony Zoning System, iComfortS30, and PureAir™

The iHarmony Zoning System can direct air to specific areas in your home and reduce airflow to other areas, depending on your preferences. The iComfort S30 Smart Thermostat automatically adjusts heating and cooling when you come and go, to help you save energy without even thinking about it. PureAir™ Air Purification is your solution to germs and allergens by combatting all 3 classes of indoor air pollutants throughout your entire home!

Highest Level Of Comfort For Your Home

Each system manufactured by Lennox has been engineered to deliver the highest level of comfort and efficiency, so you can rest assured that it is the best choice for your home. However, if you have questions on available systems or promotion information, please contact us! 432-570-5233