Residential Attic Insulation Installation

Understanding the Different Types of Insulation You Can Use

If you’re looking to cut the costs on your monthly utility bills, the best way to do it is by installing the right residential attic insulation. But what kind of attic insulation should you get?



House thermal insulation with mineral wool

Fiberglass is one of the best products available for insulation on the market today. These fine glass fibers are usually made from recycled molten glass blown into fine fibers. They are available in blankets and loose-fill options to suit any type of attic, whether you want it to cover your attic floor or line the walls of your attic.


This type of insulation is non-toxic, non-combustible, and won’t corrode like other attic insulation options. When you want a residential attic insulation installation, consider fiberglass to keep your home warm during the winter and cooler during the summer.


Mineral wool

Mineral wool is usually made from rocks or recycled slag collected from furnaces, making this anti-flammable material popular in hot climates. Like fiberglass, it’s man-made and available in blankets or loose-fill options.



This type of insulation is made from recycled paper, mostly newsprint. It’s often blended with other sulfates and minerals to make them fire-resistant and insect repellent. It’s used as a type of loose-fill insulation that requires moisture to activate the adherence properties of the material.



Normally made from recycled cotton fibers, cotton insulation is typically treated with borate in order to deter rodents and insects while also making the insulation flame-resistant. It’s nearly 20% more costly than installing a fiberglass alternative.


Before you install a new insulation in your home, talk to a residential HVAC or residential attic insulation company to determine your home’s R-value. This value is necessary to determine the type and amount of insulation you need to install in your home. This value varies by region, home, and HVAC equipment.


Nearly two-thirds of American homes have an air conditioner as a part of their HVAC system, but most of that energy is escaping due to poor insulation. Though there are many types of insulation available on the market, utilizing Bosworth Co.’s Insul-Safe III fiberglass is the best option for your residential attic insulation installation. Call today for your HVAC needs. Worth the Call. Always.