Electrical Power Lines

Protect From Power Outages With A Backup Generator

Ahhh, the last month of summer is upon us…

But that doesn’t mean the sweltering temperatures are slowing down. What would you do if you were to lose power and the comfort of AC? With a backup generator, you don’t have to have the worry. Kohler Generators protect from power outages, no matter the season!

You may think that a backup generator is best used in the colder seasons, in case of a snow or ice storm. While that may be the case, it is worth noting that a generator can also protect from power outages in the spring & summer!


While the heat alone does not cause power outages, it can certainly be a source. The main causes of outages are caused by an increase in usage (or overload) and storms.

Overload – There is little need to keep the thermostat at 70 degrees during moderate temperatures. However, when the temps are in the triple digits, people are more likely to use fans and air conditioning. Spikes in electrical demand can overwhelm equipment used to deliver electricity. When this equipment fails, electricity to homes and businesses fails.

Storms – As beautiful and much-needed as summer storms are for West Texas, they can also be destructive. Wind, hail, and even tornados can topple electric lines. Trees branches can easily break off into transmission lines.

How Do I Get Power Back On?

According to Oncor, one of the largest providers in West Texas, there is a procedure for power outages. Be sure to contact your service provider as soon as possible to report the outage. However, here are some tips while you’re waiting for the power to come back on:

  1. Keep freezer and refrigerator doors closed to prevent food spoilage.
  2. Take a dip! If you’ve got a pool, now is the perfect opportunity to use it. If not, a cool shower should do the trick.
  3. Drink lots of water. Excessive perspiration can cause dehydration.
  4. Be sure to check on any elderly neighbors or on anyone who might need additional assistance.
  5. Be safe! Use candles instead of flashlights, be cautious while driving, and wear removable layers to prevent excessive body temperatures.

If you would like more information on how to protect from power outages, whether it be for your home or business, we’d be happy to help! Contact us today!