New Year Home Resolutions

New Year Home Resolutions

Can you believe we’ve only got a week before 2018 arrives? When it comes to setting goals for the upcoming year, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. However, there are several new year home resolutions to add to your list. Adding these to your to-do list can help save you time and money throughout the year. We’re sharing eight tips for 2018!

New Year Home Resolutions You Don’t Want to Miss

(1) HVAC Maintenance

Though it’s easy to swap out your air filters, you *might* have neglected seasonal professional services. Preventative maintenance from the Bosworth Company can help to identify and correct problems before they become costly repairs. Additionally, regular service appointments help your HVAC system run more smoothly, which can save you money on your utility bills.

(2) Keep Vents Clean

New Year Home ResolutionsOver time, pet fuzzies, dirty, and allergens can clog up your vents. These clogs can reduce airflow and cause your HVAC system to work harder than is necessary. Add it to your annual resolutions to clean vents at least once monthly (more so if your family has allergies).

(3) Pay Attention to Plumbing

Whether it’s a matter of what not to flush down the toilet or things to avoid putting in the disposal, your plumbing needs TLC, too. Consider cleaning out P-traps and drains regularly, switching out rusty hardware on toilets, faucets, and tubs when they start to wear out and paying attention to what goes down your drains.

(4) Switch to More Efficient Appliances

If it’s time to get new appliances, talk to Bosworth first! We can help you choose the most efficient equipment for your home or business’s needs. In addition to saving energy, these appliances can reduce monthly bills – on both repairs and utilities.

(5) Create Open Lines

We’re talking about AC condensate lines, drains, and, surprisingly enough, dryer vents. Make sure you give your house a frequent deep clean, including places where unseen buildup can create big problems.

(6) Switch Products

Some chemicals can be incredibly harsh on your plumbing lines. This is even truer if you’re on a septic system (bleach products can harm the waste-eating bacteria). Ask a trusted plumber about the right products to use to increase your pipe’s lifespan.

(7) Replace Batteries

If you have battery-operated devices, the new year is a great time to remember to switch batteries. Items such as carbon monoxide detectors, smoke alarms, or thermostats can eat up batteries. Therefore, make a plan to test and replace them every four to six months.

(8) Safety Checks

Gas lines, carbon monoxide, and ventilation are some of the most dangerous parts of owning a home. Be sure to have a professional test your property at least once annually to make sure you’re home is leak-free.

All of us at Bosworth wish you a safe and happy 2018!
