The Water Cycle

The Water Cycle (and Why It’s Important To You)

We all know that water is essential for life on earth. Plants and animals need water to survive. You probably only think about water when you’re having a drink or taking a shower, but when you do use water, you want it to be as fresh and clean as possible. In this post, we’ll discuss the three main parts of the water, or hydrologic, cycle, and the impact the cycle has on your water at home.


If you remember from your junior high science class, water comes in three forms: solid, liquid, and gas. Liquid makes up the vast majority, as it fills up our oceans, lakes, and rivers. Water in its solid form makes ice in the form of glaciers and polar ice caps. The gas form of water is called vapor and is found in the atmosphere.

Water changes from one form to another via the hydrological cycle – meaning the total amount of water on earth doesn’t change.


The hydrological cycle consists of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation, and it truly never ends!

Evaporation is when water turns into vapor. This happens when the water is heated. This can happen via the sun, or when boiling water on your stove. When you see steam rising from the pan, you’re seeing evaporation in action. In nature, the sun, wind, and the density of the water all play a role in evaporation.

Condensation is when gas changes into liquid. This is also a product of temperature. Foggy windows in your car, or a cold glass of water on a hot day, are both good examples. When the moisture in the air reaches a certain temperature, it turns to liquid. This is also the process that causes clouds or fog to form in the sky.

Precipitation is probably the easiest to recognize: rain, snow, sleet, and hail. Basically, any form of liquid that falls from the sky is considered precipitation. When the vapor forming the cloud cools, it turns into liquid and falls to the ground in the form of rain.


The hydrologic cycle can be seen in your home every day. We’ve already mentioned the process of boiling water on the stove, but that’s just the start. The water molecules you use for bathing, cooking, cleaning, and drinking have all changed forms millions of times. By the time they reach your home, they’ve collected contaminants along the way. This can result in common hard water issues, such as poor taste, dry skin, and calcium build-up on faucets.


A couple of common solutions for hard water include water softeners and reverse osmosis. Both of these products are available for sale or rent at The Bosworth Company. They can fix your hard water problems and make sure the hydrologic cycle is working for you! Make an appointment online, or call us today at (830) 428-2764. It’s Worth the Call. Always.